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Philadelphia Funeral Videography Services
Losing a family member or friend is never easy, though thanks to Beyfilmz Media, We offer Philly Funeral and memorial videography services. Also, those unable to attend the funeral or memorial can still say their goodbyes through our Philly live-stream funeral service, Family and Friends can tune in via smartphone or computer to pay their respects.
Memorialize the lives of your loved ones
Beyfilmz Media is here to help. We offer live streaming and videography for Philadelphia funeral & burial services.
A partner in your time of need
We understand the importance of getting things done quickly and efficiently. That's why we offer live streaming and videography services that are affordable and professional to Philadelphia and surrounding areas.
We specialize in funeral service videography and live streaming in Philadelphia. Our team of skilled Funeral videographers is passionate about preserving the memories of your loved ones.
Event Page For Livestream
We create a custom event page to host the live stream. The event page features a built-in virtual guestbook and a password-protected easy-to-share link to send to family and friends.
Virtual Guestbook
Our virtual guestbook allows your viewers to send condolences, prayers, share memories and even upload a photo.
Flexible with your needs
We work well with funeral homes in Philadelphia and surrounding areas, so you don't have to worry about us being any inconvenience. We understand the importance of maintaining a professional relationship with them as well as respecting their time of need.

Honor Those Who Have Passed
To make sure we can offer the ultimate experience to each of our Philly funeral videography clients, Beyfilmz Media specializes in three key areas:

We offer funeral video services to small and large-sized funerals in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas

We offer packages for any duration for funeral and memorial videography in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas

For those unable to attend, we are able to live stream and videography the entire event.

"David did superior quality work to set-up the website for live-streaming my parent's funeral on 10 Nov 21... He successfully coordinated with the military cemetery and had his cameras set-up a full hour and a half before the event. The quality of the live-stream was clear and you could clearly hear the orator speaking. I received the files less then 4 days after the event."
Google Review
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